
Thursday, 12 December 2013

I can stand on my own two feet!

What is this thing I'm holding?!*

Mummy's note: Sophie finally progressed from balancing next to furniture, the stairs, my legs, to standing up on her own! We may have a walker on our hands in the near future... We're so proud of her! As for Sophie, she doesn't seem to understand what all the fuss is about!

*Luckily, she has no idea!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Little Red Riding Hood

Hi everyone! Here I am in my red winter coat. It's really warm and keeps me snug in my pushchair. Mummy says she wanted me to wear it for two winters, but I am growing so fast it looks like it won't fit me next year! 

Lots of love from Sophie x

Thursday, 12 September 2013

My first birthday

Hello everyone! Last week, I turned one year old! I had two parties and got given lots of lovely presents, and papa let me eat a cupcake and mummy let me play with cardboard boxes! It was the best week ever!

Here I am at my second party. For some reason the grown-ups were singing a song and showing me a candle. The cake was delicious by the way!

Thank you everyone who came to my parties and for all the lovely presents!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

How I keep mummy busy

Here's what I've been getting up to, to keep mummy busy.

Reading on the sofa and trying to crawl off
Standing up everywhere!

Grabbing everything!

Making mess

Emptying my toy basket...
...and the washing basket...

...and being as cute as I can!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Piano fun

Hi everyone! Today, I played the piano for the first time. It was *so much fun*. Mummy says she can't wait to start giving me lessons!

Future Mozart

Monday, 24 June 2013

At the park

Papa and mummy took me to the park on Saturday, and I went on the swings for the first time. At first, I was a bit uncertain, but once I got used to it, I really enjoyed it! Unfortunately it started to rain, so we had to go home, but mummy says she will take me there again. Oh and we got to look at some ducks on the way home, they were hilarious!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Sophie's first word

In other news, Sophie has learnt her first word: papa. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what it means, but she babbles it again and again with a look of pure delight on her face. That counts as her first word I think! I love the sound of her little voice.

Monday, 10 June 2013

A picnic in the meadow

On Saturday, papa, mummy and I went to Christ Church Meadow, to have a picnic with lots of my friends (they brought their parents too). We made a lot of noise shrieking and crying and laughing. The weather was sunny and breezy and my hat kept blowing away! I ate chicken drumsticks, hummus and pitta bread, and I tried some grapes which I found delicious.

Here we all are, just relaxing on the rug.

Nora, Nathaniel, Molly, Fleur, Lucy, Arno, Esther and me

Nora and me

My funny papa
My little mummy

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Nine months!

Our sweet baby Sophie was nine months old a couple of days ago. Nine months! Where has the time gone?

Here she is showing her cheeky side!

More photos in her new web album!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Sleeping like a baby

Here is my sweet baby sleeping soundly, having a lie-in until 8.30 am! We sneaked up on her and took this without her even stirring.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Sitting up

I've recently learnt how to sit up. The world looks really different from my new perspective. Most of the time I stay upright but sometimes I fall over and mummy or papa have to catch me! I'm working on my technique!


On Monday, the weather was really warm and sunny, so mummy took me to the park and we sat in a nice shady spot for a while. I enjoyed practising my sitting skills and mummy made me a daisy chain crown. It's wonderful having such a lovely park so close to our house!


Sunday, 5 May 2013

A family affair

We had some very special visitors on Friday. My grandparents and uncle brought my great-grandparents, great-uncles, great-aunties, and cousin from France to see us in Oxford! The weather was beautiful and so we all ate lunch together in the garden, and then papa took us on a tour of Oxford and the college where he works. Everyone was very happy, especially me, as I got lots of cuddles and kisses!

My French family!
Mummy, me and papa in Balliol College

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Family tree

Last week, I finally met my French great-grandparents. C'etait formidable! We had a very happy week together in Wales, at Grandmere and Grandpa's house. We also said goodbye to Aunty Emilie and Uncle David, who have moved to Canada. It was a bit sad but hopefully mummy and papa will take me there one day!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Food glorious food!

Recently, I've been having my first tastes of food. It's a very strange experience! I'm getting a lot better at grabbing the food and getting it to my mouth. It tastes quite funny and I like to spit it out, drop it on the floor, and get it everywhere. Mummy has bought lots of baby wipes so she can clean me up more easily afterwards! So far I've tried porridge, weetabix, bread, banana, sweet potato, carrot, broccoli, yoghurt, water and a few other things which I can't remember. Here are some photos of my efforts!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Ball pit

Yesterday, my friend Nora invited me (and mummy) to come and play at her house along with other friends. Her daddy bought lots of food and drinks for the grown-ups so that they would have something to do, too. The best part was that Nora let us play in her ball pit!


Hi! Welcome to my blog! My mummy has set it up so that I can tell you all about what I've been doing. We might also post some reviews of places we've been and books we've read, and little articles about things mummy and papa have learnt about how to look after me. I hope you enjoy reading!

Love Sophie x
(7 months old today)